Top 25 Most Popular Russian Foods - Chef's Pencil (2024)

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by Polina Popova


  • Eastern European Cuisine
  • European Cuisines
Top 25 Most Popular Russian Foods - Chef's Pencil (1)

Russia is the biggest country in the world. The country has landscapes varying from snow-capped mountains to dry deserts, climates ranging from arctic to sub-tropical, and is home to a wide variety of cultures. This incredible diversity has heavily influenced Russian cuisine and made it as we know it today.

Russian cuisine has historically been very seasonal and affordable for peasants, full of fresh produce during summer and fall months and storable goods during winter and early spring.

Although old Russian foods are still popular, during the long period of geographical expansion, its cuisine began to include dishes of the peoples from Caucasus, Ural Mountains, Eastern Europe, and other neighboring regions. Today, Russian cuisine will include many dishes that are considered traditional in many neighboring countries and former parts of the Russian Empire.

So what are the 25 dishes that you might want to try if you stumble upon a Russianstolovaya(canteen) or decide to visit this vast country? Let’s find out!

1. Borscht

Top 25 Most Popular Russian Foods - Chef's Pencil (2)

Although some might argue that this dish is Ukrainian, it has become a staple soup in Russian cuisine as well. The most important ingredient of this soup is beetroot, a vegetable that gives the dish its vibrant color. Other ingredients are usually cabbage, potato, onion, carrot, and tomato paste, to give it an even brighter color.

Most oftenborschtis made with beef broth, but it is just as delicious if you start off with plain water. It’s usually served with a spoonful of sour cream, some parsley or dill on the top, and a slice of bread on the side.

2. Pelmeni (Dumplings)

Top 25 Most Popular Russian Foods - Chef's Pencil (3)

The history of this dish said to have begun in the Urals, where the indigenous peoples usedpelmenias provision during long winter hunts in the taiga, or as part of the holiday table.Pelmeniare made of minced meat or fish, mixed with herbs and chopped onion or garlic, wrapped in thin dough, and are either fried or boiled. They are often consumed with sour cream, ketchup, or mayonnaise (or a mixture, called colloquially ketchunnaise).

Pelmeniare an extremely popular dish, and they can be conveniently stored in the freezer. Enjoy the delightful taste of the filling and juice inside the dough!

3. Bliny (Crepes)

Top 25 Most Popular Russian Foods - Chef's Pencil (4)

Blinyare traditionally made with eggs, flour, and milk or kefir (a fermented milk drink), and nowadays they are mostly eaten for breakfast or on the folk holiday Maslenitsa(Butter week).

To makebliny, you need to mix the ingredients into a liquid dough and fry it as thin as possible in a pan. And guess what is served on the side. Yes,—it’s sour cream! Although some people might opt for honey orvarenye(a local variety of jam made of berries or fruit). Sometimesblinyare also made with fillings, some of the most popular ones being ham and cheese or creamy mushrooms with mashed potatoes.

By the way, you can also make vegan blinys: just swap the eggs with mashed bananas and the dairy milk with a vegan one. They’re just as good!

4. Shashlik

Top 25 Most Popular Russian Foods - Chef's Pencil (5)

It’s a common sight in late spring or summer to see many people in parks all across the country makingshashlik: pieces of marinated meat fried on a skewer over burning coals. Althoughshashlikoriginated in the Caucasus, it is now a big part of Russian culture.

Shashlikis usually made with lamb, pork or chicken cut into large pieces and marinated for a few hours. The most common marinades are kefir, soy sauce or lemon juice, mixed with herbs, spices, and sometimes vegetables such as onions, garlic, or tomatoes. To accompany it, Russians like to have potatoes, baked in foil in the coals, or grilled veggies.

Typically there is also a dip of choice, for example, ketchup oradzhika, a pungent sauce from the Caucasus. Yummy!

5. Solyanka

Top 25 Most Popular Russian Foods - Chef's Pencil (6)

This soup is loved by many Russians because of its rich consistency and sour flavor. The name itself is derived from the word salt, and it’s one of the most distinctive qualities of this dish.

To make it, you need meat, mushroom, or fish broth. Then you need to mix chopped pickled cucumbers and brine into the broth and cook it for a little while more so that it becomes rich with the brine flavor. As with many other soups, the list of ingredients can vary depending on the particular household, but the most common are cabbage, potatoes, olives, lemon, onions, and, of course, a spoonful of sour cream!

6. Shchi

Top 25 Most Popular Russian Foods - Chef's Pencil (7)

This mouth-watering soup is probably one of the most ancient Russian dishes, with its history dating back to the 9th century. It is very easy to cook, and, back in the day, people would freeze it and cut into pieces to boil as needed during extensive winter travel.

Shchiis a diluted cabbage soup based on meat or fish broth. Sometimes cabbage is swapped for sauerkraut or sorrel. Other ingredients include potatoes, mushrooms, onions, carrot, and spices. Top yourshchiwith sour cream, slice a piece of rye bread, and enjoy this hearty and slightly sour soup!

7. Syrniki

Top 25 Most Popular Russian Foods - Chef's Pencil (8)

The method for cookingsyrnikiis in principle the same as forbliny: make the batter and fry it. Firstly, you should mix quark (tvorog in Russian) with flour, eggs, and sugar, and maybe raisins or apricots to add more texture and taste. Then form small pancakes in the pan and make sure the insides are cooked through while staying creamy: it gives an interesting counter-taste to the well-fried sides ofsyrniki!

Syrnikiis a sweet and savoury food, usually eaten for breakfast or dessert. These are typically served with sour cream orvarenyeon the side.

8. Vareniki

Top 25 Most Popular Russian Foods - Chef's Pencil (9)

Varenikiare often seen as a vegetarian alternative to pelmeni, and that is not too far off: wrap some dough around sweet or savory filling, fry or boil it, and there you go.

However,varenikiare not considered a variation ofpelmeniin Russia, but a dish of Russian cuisine. For sweetvareniki, the most common fillings are quark or berries, a variety that is usually eaten for breakfast. Another type ofvarenikican be made from potatoes with mushrooms or onions or cabbage. They are very often eaten with sour cream.

9. Kasha (Porridge)

Top 25 Most Popular Russian Foods - Chef's Pencil (10)

One of the most prominent sayings about Russian cuisine roughly translates as “Shschiandkashaare our food”. And it truly is so: Russians are very fond of any kind of groats eaten for any meal of the day.

For breakfastkasha(the most common being oatmeal) is boiled with milk or water and eaten bland or with a spoonful ofvarenyeor butter. For lunch or dinner, buckwheat is the go-to option, as it is very versatile. Try mixing boiled buckwheat with fried mushrooms and onions: the combination of the caramel-like onions, juicy mushrooms, and nutritious buckwheat is one to remember.

10. Kholodets or Studen’

Top 25 Most Popular Russian Foods - Chef's Pencil (11)

Kholodetsis a food loved by many generations in Russia, even though it takes over a day to prepare! It is a jellied meat dish.

To make truekholodets,your jelly should be based on greasy pork broth, without use of gelatine. Fill the bottom of the bowl with chopped pork meat and pour the broth over it. After 24 hours in the fridge your flavorful meat jelly is ready to be served!

11. Olivier/Russian Salad

Top 25 Most Popular Russian Foods - Chef's Pencil (12)

Just like the previous dish, this salad is mostly eaten on holidays, for the sake of convenience and tradition. Olivier salad is made with vegetables, meat, eggs, and generously dressed with mayo. It’s a heavy, filling, and hearty salad, most popular for New Year’s, the biggest holiday of the year in Russia.

12. Okroshka

Commonly eaten in the summer, coldokroshkasoup delivers a refreshing taste.Okroshkais made with raw vegetables, boiled potatoes, meat or sausages, andkvass, a fermented drink made from rye bread.

It’s important that the ingredients retain their shape and texture, sokvassis always added last. It’s a light soup, kind of like a very diluted salad, so it’s perfect for hot summers, when you don’t want heavy food.

13.Herring Under a Fur Coat / Dressed Herring

Top 25 Most Popular Russian Foods - Chef's Pencil (14)

This dish with its amusing name is one of the favorite foods for the holiday table. It’s a layered salad, made of salted herring, onions, boiled potatoes, carrots and beetroots, and mayo, and decorated with grated boiled eggs. It’s a heavy dish, which requires chilling in the fridge for several hours prior to being served.

Grab a slice of this salad cake and let the harmony of tastes unfold in your mouth!

14. Kvass

Top 25 Most Popular Russian Foods - Chef's Pencil (15)

Kvassis a beloved drink of Russians of almost any age. This beverage is made by fermenting rye bread and is considered non-alcoholic by Russian standards (it is always less than 2% in alcohol).

The taste of kvassis somewhat pickley and mildly tart, and it’s most often consumed as a refreshingly cold drink on hot summer days.

15. Caviar

Top 25 Most Popular Russian Foods - Chef's Pencil (16)

Fish caviar is an extremely popular delicacy in Russia, with almost any holiday table having caviar as an appetizer. The most valued caviar in Russia is obtained on the Far-Eastern peninsula of Kamchatka, where the abundance of salmon provides for packed caviar stands at local markets.

As caviar is an expensive delicacy, it is often eaten as bite-sized sandwiches made of white bread, butter, and a small spoonful of caviar.

16. Pozharsky Cutlet

Top 25 Most Popular Russian Foods - Chef's Pencil (17)

Cutlets carry a tang of childhood nostalgia, and that’s why they are a favorite of almost any Russian. It could be argued thatPozharsky cutletis the most popular. It combines tender and juicy minced meat with crispy bread crumbs, and it goes well with any sauce.

The secret to making this cutlet extra flavorful is soaking some white bread in milk or heavy cream and then adding it to the meat along with a piece of butter. This will make your cutlets extremely succulent!

17. Beef Stroganoff

Top 25 Most Popular Russian Foods - Chef's Pencil (18)

Beef Stroganoff is a very famous dish outside of Russia, often served at restaurants with no connection to its home country. There are now multiple recipes for this sautéed meat dish, although most of them include two primary ingredients: beef and sour cream.

The recipe can be as simple as sautéing stripes of soft beef in butter and later adding sour cream, or more complex by adding onions, mushrooms, and other ingredients to the pan. Just make sure to take your time and let the beef get thoroughly soaked in the mixture of juices and spices. Ah, it’s mouthwatering to even think about it!

18. Pirozhki

Top 25 Most Popular Russian Foods - Chef's Pencil (19)

Pirozhkiare one of the go-to deserts, comfort food and street food, as they are very easy to come by in the stores and to prepare. Just choose the filling and place it into rolled out dough.

Pirozhkiare usually baked, but in the Eastern part of Russia they are more often fried. Take somepirozhkiwith you on a hike, you will appreciate the boost of energy and the tasty experience!

19. Ukha

Top 25 Most Popular Russian Foods - Chef's Pencil (20)

Soups are considered a very healthy meal in Russia, and that’s why there are so many of them, many more than mentioned here.Ukhais a traditional fish soup, consisting, in addition to the obvious primary ingredient, spices, potatoes, carrots, onions, and, less commonly, other veggies. It’s very nutritious, rich, and savory.

20. Rassolnik

Top 25 Most Popular Russian Foods - Chef's Pencil (21)

Rassolnikis one of the many salty soups or foods on this list, with word rassol (brine) being so key that it even made its way to the soup’s name.

A properrassolnikis made with pickled cucumbers, brine, meat, and pearl barley. It’s very comforting, slightly sour, and very hearty. Add some sour cream to make it heavier, if you like—that will make it all the more traditionally Russian.

21. Fermented Dairy Products

Top 25 Most Popular Russian Foods - Chef's Pencil (22)

Russians got very creative with their dairy both due to the living conditions and the influence of Turkish cuisine and other cultures.

There are so many fermented dairy foods that can be found in Russian grocery stores, the most notable and wide-spread being sour cream (or smetana — Ihadto dedicate a special mention tosmetanaon this list!),kefir(sour and astringent milk drink made fromkefirgrains), andtvorog, known also as quark.

These foods are consumed daily,kefirandtvorogbeing some of the most important parts of a healthy diet in Russia. Andsmetanasimply holds a special place in every Russian’s heart, as it is such a vital addition to most dishes.

22. Vinegret

Top 25 Most Popular Russian Foods - Chef's Pencil (23)

Vinegretis often served as a light and nutritious salad or appetizer. This salad, as it is now prepared in Russia, has strayed quite far off of its original Western European recipe.

It’s a vegetarian-friendly salad made from beets, potatoes, carrots, onion, pickled cucumbers (or, more rarely, sauerkraut), and dressed with vegetable oil. It’s sour—due to the brined pickles—and salty, and also very light and filling at the same time.

23. Pryaniki

Top 25 Most Popular Russian Foods - Chef's Pencil (24)

Pryanikiis one of the staple sweets of Russian cuisine and has been around for a very long time. It’s consistency is very similar to that of gingerbread, but the recipe involves no ginger. It is honey that is essential for a traditional pryanik recipe.

Tula pryanikis probably the most culturally-significant type ofpryaniki, so much so that it is nowadays considered an art creating properpryanikdecor in Tula city.Pryanikiare often eaten with a glass of tea. And did you know that Russia often ranks in the top 5 tea consumers of the world?!

24. Pickled Goods

Top 25 Most Popular Russian Foods - Chef's Pencil (25)

Oh how Russians enjoy eating pickled foods! It is not uncommon to find Russians in a cafe enjoying a plate of different pickles as an appetizer.

Some of the most popular original ingredients for pickling include cucumbers, garlic, tomatoes, wild garlic, and cabbage (as sauerkraut). Also brine, orrassol, is an extremely popular hangover solution, as its rich in salts, helping to restore the proper mineral balance in the body after a good night out.

25. Sbiten’

Top 25 Most Popular Russian Foods - Chef's Pencil (26)

Sbiten’is a very traditional drink in Russia, possibly one of the most ancient with its roots deep in Russian culture. It can be sweet, spicy, or both, all depending on the recipe. Honey is the key ingredient for this heart- and body-warming winter drink, which is boiled with spices and jam. It’s popularity has significantly decreased with the increase in tea consumption, but it’s being rekindled now in the 21st century.

Russian cuisine is an accurate representation of the nature, cultures, and living conditions that have surrounded Russians for a very long time. Each dish has a rich history and a whole culture and custom of consuming it. This cuisine is a mixture of flavors, aromas, and produce, where anyone can find something to enjoy and have a cultural experience at the same time.

Related: 15 Delicious Russian Cakes

Related: Popular Russian Easter Foods

Top 25 Most Popular Russian Foods - Chef's Pencil (28)

Top 25 Most Popular Russian Foods - Chef's Pencil (29)

Polina Popova

Polina was born and raised in St. Petersburg, Russia's former grand capital and its second largest city. Having grown up in a culturally diverse city, Polina has become a geek for cultures and languages. She is an avid traveler and has visited her native Russia from North to South and East to West, along with dozens of other countries in the world.

Top 25 Most Popular Russian Foods - Chef's Pencil (2024)


Top 25 Most Popular Russian Foods - Chef's Pencil? ›

Pelmeni is considered the national dish of Russia. They are pastry dumplings are typically filled with minced meat and wrapped in a thin, pasta-like dough. They can be served alone, slathered in butter and topped with sour cream, or in a soup broth.

What is the signature food of Russia? ›

Pelmeni is considered the national dish of Russia. They are pastry dumplings are typically filled with minced meat and wrapped in a thin, pasta-like dough. They can be served alone, slathered in butter and topped with sour cream, or in a soup broth.

What are the staple foods in Russia? ›

Crops of rye, wheat, barley and millet provided the ingredients for a plethora of breads, pancakes, pies, cereals, beer and vodka. Soups and stews are centered on seasonal or storable produce, fish and meats. Such food remained the staple for the vast majority of Russians well into the 20th century.

What do Russian eat the most? ›

What are the most popular Russian foods?
  • Borscht. Borscht is a vibrant, sour soup primarily made from beets, which give it a distinctive red color. ...
  • Pirozhki. ...
  • Pelmeni. ...
  • Beef Stroganoff. ...
  • Blini. ...
  • Shashlik. ...
  • Olivier Salad. ...
  • Golubtsy.
Mar 13, 2024

What snacks do Russians like? ›

What to eat in Russia? Top 3 Russian Snacks
  • Savory Pastry. Pirozhki. RUSSIA. shutterstock. Wanna try? Favorite? ...
  • Dessert. Pastila. Kolomna. Russia. shutterstock. Wanna try? ...
  • Snack. Sushki. RUSSIA. shutterstock. Sushki are traditional Russian snacks made from sweet dough, shaped into small rings.
Aug 15, 2024

What do Russians eat on a daily basis? ›

For breakfast, Russians almost always drink tea with a sandwich with meat (kolbasa), or fried eggs or omelets (but without bacon). Sometimes they make blini. Lunch always features soups and Russian dinners are similar to any Western cuisine, featuring a variety of fried meats and fish.

What is the national breakfast of Russia? ›

Russia. Traditional Russian breakfasts are concentrated on kashas, or porridges – the most important staple in Russian nutritional culture, with buckwheat and oat, as well as semolina, serving as the three most important bases of such dishes, usually cooked using water or milk, as well as consumed with or without milk.

What is the national soup of Russia? ›

Shchi. There's a soup called shchi (Russian: щи) that is a national dish of Russia. While commonly it is made of cabbages, dishes of the same name may be based on dock, spinach or nettle. The sauerkraut variant of cabbage soup is known to Russians as "sour shchi" ("кислые щи"), as opposed to fresh cabbage shchi.

What is Russia's national drink? ›

Today, tea is consumed as an all-day beverage and it is considered the national drink of Russia due to its popularity. The Russians prefer their tea strong and sweet, and sometimes, served with mint or lemon, or sweetened with fruit jam.

What is a common food or drink in Russia? ›

Russian cuisine

You will of course find a huge number of Russian restaurants in every town and city, commonly serving traditional dishes such as borsch, salads, dumplings, and meat and fish dishes. For those on a budget looking for nutritious and filling meals, the 'stolovaya' (cafeteria) is highly recommended.

What did Russians eat before potatoes? ›

In the 9th century the most common ingredients were turnip (репа), cabbage (капуста), radish (редька), peas (горох), cucumbers (огурцы). They were eaten raw, baked, steamed, salted, marinated. Potatoes did not appear until the 18th century, and tomatoes until the 19th century.

What is a typical Russian diet? ›

The essence of Russian cuisine is the combination of simple staples to create hearty, belly warming meals. Today, the majority of Russian food comes from household plots. Seasonal, local ingredients, such as vegetables, mushrooms, grains, pork, fish, poultry, dairy, and local honey populate Russian plates.

What does Russia eat for breakfast? ›

According to a recent poll, the four most popular types of breakfast in Russia are eggs (boiled, scrambled, fried, omelet, etc), bread and butter sandwiches/toasts with bologna or cheese, porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice), various cottage cheese dishes (for example, cottage cheese pancakes).

What food does Russia produce the most? ›

How many different crops are grown in Russia?
  • The first place is taken by wheat. ...
  • Next comes sunflower with an area of about 152 thousand Hectares.
  • In terms of production, forage grasses are in second place – 148.6 thousand Hectares.
  • And the final culture in the four leaders – barley with an area of 87 thousand Hectares.

What is the most important meal of the day in Russia? ›

The second meal of the Russian day is taken about around 1 o'clock p.m. and is called obyed or dinner. This is the main meal of the day. Appetizers, or zakuski, highlight this meal.

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