Guide - A Comprehensive Guide to Professions (v1.7.2) (2024)

Now onto the more complicated stuff!
Efficient Gathering
There are several ways to increase XP and efficiency when it comes to gathering, all of which are multiplicative of each other:
  • Profession Augumentation (these are additive together) (up to x4)
    • Using Profession Bombs (x2)
    • Using Discord linking (x2)
    • Double XP Weekend (x2)
  • Using Hunted Mode (50% = x1.5)
  • Using GXP tomes (up to 2 x 15% = x1.3)
  • Using GXP consumables (variable)
  • Using territory boosts from guilds (up to 100% = x2)
  • Using GXP gear (up to 156% with reasonable durability = x2.64)
These below are ways to gather more efficiently:
  • Level up gatherings (up to lv 118)
  • Higher tier tools (up to T12)
  • Higher number of nodes in an area
  • "Tickskipping"
The last ones in each section will be discussed in more detail down below.

Gathering XP/Speed Gear
As of 1.20, GXP gear has been released. It is highly recommended to obtain a GXP set if you decide to grind well into Lv 100+ gatherings. Listed below are the recipes for common, high GXP gear with a maximum of 164% GXP without consumables (compiled by @JKLDragon):

It is recommended to use the 24% guaranteed Armoring recipe and the cheap Walk Speed accessories over other variations due to not having to worry about low rolls in addition to having more Walk Speed to do professions faster.

It is not recommended to make Gathering Speed gear as these are only found on ingredients relating to consumables and are often a pain to get with very little benefit.

Due to a lack of better words, I will dub this technique as "tickskipping". Tickskipping allows you to skip 1 tick from each node, which will increase your efficiency in gathering materials. To perform this technique:

  1. Stand in an area where you can reach the most number of nodes within a 4 block radius from you.
  2. Click on a node.
  3. As the gathering animation starts, look at the next node.
  4. Continue clicking on the next node.
  5. Repeat for as many nodes as there are within your range.
Ideally, all the nodes should be together within your range so that you don't have to move. Of course, this isn't the case. To solve this, stand in the least number of spots where you can harvest all the nodes, while also making sure that your reach to the next node isn't blocked by another node.

Guide - A Comprehensive Guide to Professions (v1.7.2) (1)
Figure 2: Reaching range in Dernic Farming spot. Purple represents Dernic Seed nodes, red represents the player, and green represents the player's reach.

Guide - A Comprehensive Guide to Professions (v1.7.2) (2)
Figure 3. One path to gather Dernic Seeds. Purple represents Dernic Seed nodes, red represents the player, green represents the player's reach to harvest nodes, blue represents the player's movement, and orange represents the player's viewpoint turning to the next node. Assuming each node takes 5 ticks to harvest, this path barely completes the entire cycle before the next node spawns, giving an extra 1 node per cycle (60 seconds vs 65-70 seconds).

You can also combo this by moving yourself a bit each time you auto-click a node. When the animation of clicking a node does a hit, tap one of your movement keys to move up to ~0.2 blocks per hit. Move too far or too slow and the animation stops, and the harvesting resets. As long as you are in range, the node will keep auto-harvesting. This technique is hard to pull off and often times are not worth the extra 1-2 seconds saved due to the unreliability of making sure nodes continue harvesting, while also making you restart your harvesting.

Efficient Crafting
As said earlier, ingredients offer a multiplier based on the level and tier of the ingredient. All 6 slots must be filled up in order to gain the maximum amount of XP per craft. Any ingredient works, but due to the level and tier of ingredient affecting XP multiplier, it is advisable to collect ingredients near your crafting level. Powders count as T0 level 1 ingredients, regardless of tier. However said, most ingredients can be difficult to grind efficiently, even with recommended ingredients to grind listed below. @SmileAndWaveBoyz made a great guide on how much materials and ingredients you need to level up any specific crafting profession as of 1.19 [13].

In general, his guide aims for ingredients that are extremely easy to grind, at a cost of having to use a little bit more materials to craft. His reasoning is because getting materials is much easier to get than gathering ingredients, due to both speed bombs and reliability in obtaining materials when compared to gathering ingredients. He did not use XP/Speed bombs for leveling between 1-50 for all craftings, and then used both bombs for leveling between 51-103. Note that as of 1.20, leveling low level profs are much easier than his guide due to changes in the XP curve, so the numbers listed are slightly higher than expected.

It is always advisable to use any ingredient over no ingredient for XP. For example, using Lv 1 Rotten Flesh on Dernic materials yields far more XP than that of using Dernic materials without ingredients. As such, if one were to be lazy in obtaining higher level/tier ingredients, one could buy ingredients for any craftings from the Confectionary Merchant located in Levtus Airbase to level while still possibly gaining a slight profit selling the crafteds back to the blacksmith. It is also a viable strategy to use these ingredients for leveling past Lv 100 up to 132.

Always choose the highest level range when available while crafting, as it is found that the higher the level range (the arrows during crafting), the higher the XP gain [14].

Efficient Ingredient Grinding
Farming the right ingredients are essential to leveling up in the most efficient way possible. What is also just as important is how to farm these ingredients.

Buying from Merchants
The easiest and most efficient way to get ingredients is actually buying from NPC merchants. About a third of the ingredients used to level low level craftings can be bought from merchants, while mid-level craftings can be bought entirely from the Confectionary Merchant. Below is a list of recommended ingredients that can be bought from merchants:

The number in parentheses indicated the level of ingredient. All these ingredients are T0.

  • Rotten Flesh (1) (3e)
  • Potato (1) (2e/1 Gold Bar/4e)
  • Fresh Water (5) (1 Gold Bar)
  • Soft White/Red/Yellow/Green/Blue Wool (10) (1 Gold Bar)
  • Bone Meal (21) (6e)
  • Gold Bar (31) (16e)
  • Zombie Eye (54) (12e)
  • Anything from the Rymek merchant (30s) (15-25 Gold Bars)
  • Anything from the Confectionary Merchant except Letvus Delight (60s) (20-28e)

For the ingredients that require Gold Bars as currency, you can buy 4 potatoes for 8e total and trade it for 1 gold bar at the merchant in Rymek, which is 50% off the regular price of 16e per.

Ingredient Grinding Builds
The higher the loot bonus, the higher ingredient drop rates there will be. The only exceptions are Royal Bug's Blood and Gollier Iron, as these ingredients drop 100% of the time at about 100% loot bonus. Here are some options compiled by @JKLDragon:
Alternative gear replacements include Diamond Dust over Discoverer, Bronze Basic Ring over Old Keeper's Ring, Bronze Basic Bracelet over Knuckle Bones, Emerald Pendant over Hexed Amulet, and any Wybel weapon over Deja Vu. Of course, you can mix-and-match crafteds within the build as needed.

Loot Quality gear from Tailoring can work as a Loot Bonus set. It is found to be that one Loot Quality % equals one Loot Bonus % with regards to ingredient drop rates [15].

No totems
The majority of players do not have ranks, and as such, do not have totems. Arguably, if you don't have totems or can't get people to place totems for you, getting ingredients are significantly harder than those with totems. Below is a list of ingredients that can be grinded without totems, though using a totem will increase their drop rates.

The number in parentheses indicated the level of ingredient. A * indicated the tier of ingredient (no * means T0). An ! indicated very good drop rates based on the mob to be farmed.

  • !Zombie Flesh (1) (also merchant)
  • !Brown/Red Mushroom (1) (also gatherable)
  • !Wool (1)
  • !Forest Web (3)
  • !Spider Fang (5)
  • !Poisonous Spider Eye* (5)
  • Pigman Meat (11)
  • Bone Meal (21)
  • Mashed Insect (30)
  • !Cracked Skin (30)
  • Lunar Dust (32)
  • !Gritty Rocks (32)
  • Lunar Shard* (34)
  • !Gunpowder* (37)
  • !Troll Hair (42)
  • Orc Eye (44)
  • !Frostbitten Flesh* (44)
  • !Icy Shard (45)
  • !Snow Clump (45)
  • Orc Teeth (46)
  • Bandit Rations (46)
  • Frozen Ghostly Essence** (46)
  • Ghostly Essence (48)
  • Large Lapis*** (49)
  • Torn Skin (50)
  • Cursed Venom Sac (53)
  • !Zombie Eye (54)
  • !Naga Tail (55)
  • !Severed Heart (69)
  • Ghostly Membrane (70)
  • !!Gollier Iron (74)
  • !!Royal Bug's Blood (76)
  • Gert Skin (78)
  • !Stone Plating* (82)
  • !Platinum Ingot (82)
  • !Tough Skin (84)
  • !Earthly Aura* (84)
  • !Robot Antenna (85)
  • !Ivory Tusk* (86)
  • !Firey Aura* (88)
  • Throbbing Avos Heart* (90) (my favorite but people can't seem to farm it easily as I can :/)
  • Turtle Shell (90)
  • !Wybel Fluff (90)
  • !Unmeltable Ice (92)
  • !Silver Feather (96)

Using totems
Totems are best used when there are multiple mobs within an area to be totemed. The best way to significantly increase mob spawn rates are through this method listed below:
  1. Find players to grind with you, if possible. More players within the range of totems will increase spawn rates significantly.
  2. Gather at least 3 mobs that drop the desired ingredient to the spot to be totemed. The spot works better if the spot is in a cave or semi-walled-off area (a pit works better).
  3. Place totem.
  4. Wait until mobs spawn in the middle of the totem.
  5. Start killing.
Only mobs that are hostile or neutral can be totemed. Below is a list of ingredients that can be grinded with totems:

The number in parentheses indicated the level of ingredient. A * indicated the tier of ingredient (no * means t0). An ! indicated very good drop rates based on the mob to be farmed.

  • !Zombie Flesh (1) (also merchant)
  • !Brown/Red Mushroom (1) (also gatherable)
  • !Forest Web (3)
  • !Spider Fang (5)
  • !Poisonous Spider Eye* (5)
  • Pigman Meat (11)
  • Warped Skin (14)
  • Bone Meal (21)
  • Mashed Insect (30)
  • !Cracked Skin (30)
  • Lunar Dust (32)
  • !Gritty Rocks (32)
  • Lunar Shard* (34)
  • !Gunpowder* (37)
  • !Troll Hair (42)
  • Orc Eye (44)
  • !Frostbitten Flesh* (44)
  • !Icy Shard (45)
  • !Snow Clump (45)
  • Orc Teeth (46)
  • Bandit Rations (46)
  • Frozen Ghostly Essence** (46)
  • Ghostly Essence (48)
  • Large Lapis*** (49)
  • Torn Skin (50)
  • Cursed Venom Sac (53)
  • !Zombie Eye (54)
  • !Naga Tail (55)
  • !Lizard Tail (55)
  • Native Jadeite* (63)
  • !Severed Heart (69)
  • Ghostly Membrane (70)
  • !!Gollier Iron (74)
  • !!Royal Bug's Blood (76)
  • Gert Skin (78)
  • !Energetic Aura* (80)
  • !Stone Plating* (82)
  • !Platinum Ingot (82)
  • !Tough Skin (84)
  • !Earthly Aura* (84)
  • !Robot Antenna (85)
  • !Ivory Tusk* (86)
  • !Watery Aura* (86)
  • !Charred Carapace (87)
  • !Firey Aura* (88)
  • Throbbing Avos Heart* (90) (my favorite but people can't seem to farm it easily as I can :/)
  • Turtle Shell (90)
  • !Perkish Potato (90)
  • Hardened Mandible* (91)
  • !Acid Magma (91)
  • !Unmeltable Ice (92)
  • Void Essence (95)
  • Manis Carapace (95)
  • Voidstone Sample* (96)
  • !Silver Feather (96)
  • Sought-After Ore** (96)
  • Blighted Skull (96)
  • Ominous Pearl (96)
  • Contorted Stone*** (97)
  • Crystallized Organ* (100)
  • Ancient Currency** (102)

Remember that if you do not have a rank but wish to use totems, there may be people that are willing to place totems down for you. Just remember that they cannot ask to be paid in return, unless they want to grind with you.

Lootrunning for Ingredients
Although not as efficient as directly grinding for ingredients, lootrunning can be an alternative for grinding ingredients, though it is highly not recommended. Some ingredients can be found in bulk in popular lootrunning spots, given enough looted chests. As of the 1.20 update, the ingredient drop rate in chests have been nerfed significantly, rendering this method almost worthless. Below is a list of common ingredients found in loot chests:

Ingredients listed with a * are extremely common.

  • T0:
    • Acid Magma*
    • Alnamar Meat*
    • Calcified Ligament*
    • Charred Carapace
    • Decaying Arteries
    • Demonic Ashes
    • Goblin Tooth
    • Luu Luu Vertebrae*
    • Manis Carapace*
    • Ominous Pearl
    • Perkish Potato*
    • Retinal Membrane
    • Shattered Blade
    • Shortening Wire
    • Silver Feather
    • Skyraider Coin*
    • Sludge Parasite
    • Stolen Seeds
    • Tough Skin*
    • Turtle Shell
    • Unmeltable Ice*
    • Void Essence
    • Wybel Fluff*
  • T1:
    • Acidic Remains*
    • All of the auras
    • Ashen Hide
    • Burning Soul
    • Cataratite
    • Congealed Slime
    • Cortrich Eggs
    • Crystallized Organs
    • Cyclops Eye
    • Demonic Blood*
    • Dragonling Egg*
    • Fancy Pelt
    • Forgotten Pickaxe*
    • Green Foot
    • Hardened Mandible*
    • Insanity Star*
    • Ivory Tusk
    • Kaian Scroll*
    • Leg Eater Tooth
    • Lockpicking Kit
    • Marrow Dust
    • Optic Lens
    • Pirate Beard
    • Rock-Hard Beak*
    • Sentient Shadow
    • Shiny Pebble
    • Sky Snail Shell*
    • Stolen Goods
    • Sylphid Tears
    • Tentacle
    • Terra Steel
    • Throbbing Avos Heart
    • Viral Tentacle
    • Voidstone Sample*
  • T2: Enhanced Dynamic Microchip

XP Decay
XP decay only occurs when you are over-leveled with respect to the level of material you are about to use.

XP decay occurs when you are at least 10 levels over the material level. For example, gathering Sky Wood when you are Lv 110 will activate it. The values of XP decay are currently unknown, but it is suspected to decrease XP gain by 5% of the base value for every level up to 65%.

XP decay occurs when you are over-leveled, but it is unclear at what level for the low level craftings. For Dernic materials, XP decay occurs starting at Lv 118 and continues to decrease further up to ~Lv 124. Just like gathering, the values of XP decay are currently unknown, but it is suspected to decrease XP gain by 10% of the base value for every level up to 50% before slowing decay down to ~65%.

Calculating XP
This entire section does not have evidence to back it up, only random, small evidence here and there in addition to anecdotes, except for the differences in material tier, ingredient tier, and level ranges.

The formula for calculating total XP is as follows:


Base XP * Decay Modifier * Multiplier
Where Base XP is the base XP earned from a node with a certain material or crafting without any ingredient, Decay Modifier is the decay observed from over-leveling (XP decay), and Multiplier is any multiplier that increases the XP gained. This formula is the same for both gathering and crafting professions, but the modifiers are treated differently.

The Decay Modifier is assumed to be calculated approximately by:


1 - 0.05 (Lv - Material Lv + 9)
Where Lv is your Gathering Lv and Material Lv is the level of the material being gathered. Decay starts when this modifier is less than 1 (10+ levels above from the level of material) and the value cannot be greater than 1 nor less than ~0.35.

The Multiplier is calculated by:


(1 + XP Bomb + Discord XP + DXP Weekend) * (Hunted * 1.5) * (1 + GXP Gear) * (1 + GXP Tomes) * (1 + GXP Guild Boost)

Assuming maximum boost, you can achieve a multiplier of ~55, without the use of GXP consumables:


(1 + 1 + 1 + 1) * (1 * 1.5) * (1 + 1.64) * (1 + 0.24) * (1 + 1.8) = 55
Crafting XP
The Decay Modifier is assumed to be calculated approximately by:


1 - 0.1 (Lv - Crafting Lv + 12)
Where Lv is your Crafting Lv and Crafting Lv is the maximum level of the item being crafted. Decay starts when this modifier is less than 1 (13+ levels above from the maximum level of the item being crafted) and the value cannot be greater than 1 nor less than ~0.5.

The Multiplier is assumed to be calculated approximately by:


(1 + XP Bomb + Discord XP + DXP Weekend) * [(MaterialA Amount * MaterialA Coefficient + MaterialB Amount * MaterialB Coefficient)/(MaterialA Amount + MaterialB Amount)] * ∏(Ingredient Coefficient)

Where Material Coefficient is the XP modifier for each different material, and Ingredient Coefficient is the XP modifier for each different ingredient upon crafting. The Material Coefficient and Ingredient Coefficient are currently unknown. The Ingredient Coefficient is suspected to be similar to Material Coefficient but is also affected by XP decay in some way. MaterialA Amount and MaterialB Amount are not affected by a speed bomb.

Calculating this is a little bit difficult. Let's assume a Lv 103 (Dernic) bow using 6 T2 Wood, 12 T1 String, 1 T3 Lv 100 ingredient, and 5 T0 Lv 50 ingredients crafted under an XP bomb. The formula is then:


(1 + 1) * [(6 * T2 Lv 110 Coefficient + 12 * T1 Lv 110 Coefficient)/(6 + 12)] * (T3 Lv 100 Coefficient) * (T0 Lv 50 Coefficient (with XP decay))^5
The formula above may be off due to recent findings on how the tier and number of ingredients and materials play a role in calculating XP. In a recent study, the multipliers for using certain number and tier of ingredients are as follows [16]:
  • Tier of ingredient
    • No ingredient: 1
    • T0: 2
    • T1: 2.5
    • T2: 3.5
    • T3: 5
  • Number of ingredients
    • No ingredient: 1
    • 1 ingredient: 2
    • 2 ingredient: 4
    • 3 ingredient: 6
    • 4 ingredient: 8
    • 5 ingredient: 10
    • 6 ingredient: 12
These multipliers are assumed to be multiplicative of each other. For example, using 2 T3 Lv 100 ingredients in a craft will give an XP modifier of 5*4 = 20 over the base craft. The Lv 100 ingredient is multiplied onto this XP modifier, but calculating this coefficient is difficult to obtain.

For materials, the multipliers for using certain tier of materials are as follows [16]:

  • Tier of material:
    • T1: 1
    • T2: 2
    • T3: 4
These multipliers are assumed to be also multiplicative on top of the ingredients.

Level ranges also influence XP gain when crafting as well. The higher the level range chosen (the arrows), the higher the XP gain as well [14]. It is not known how much gain there is throughout all level ranges.

An analysis was not done on mixing ingredients levels/tiers and material tiers, but the multiplier is assumed to be an average of all the ingredients and materials, calculated separately for each tier/level.

Staying Safe in Hunted Mode

Hunted mode is a toggle-able mode available after the completion of A Hunter's Calling quest (Lv 103). Completion of this quest also unlocks Hunted challenge mode for new class creation, where the player is permanently in Hunted mode. This mode allows for a x1.5 increase in all XP earned by killing mobs and gathering professions, at a cost of being able to drop 10% or more of your ID-ed items.

It is essential to get an untradeable build. This build consists of items that are untradeable and/or mythics. Horses also do not drop while in hunted mode. The gathering tool drops only if you die below 8(?) soul points. The rest is fair game.

As of now, the meta revolves heavily around Toxoplasmosis builds and those countering it. Due to the way PvP is currently built right now, Toxoplasmosis can easily shred almost all builds, and there is no easy way of countering it. The most basic counter is to actually run away. See the third reply on its debate.

If you are gathering at Lv 1-70 areas, it is almost always free of hunters. Lv 80 spots may have hunters, but they very rarely come by. Hunters usually hunt in Lv 90, 100, and especially 110 spots.

As of the 1.20 update, Hunted mode is nearly obsolete as many profers have favored GXP gear over Hunted mode due to the increased bonus and efficient GXP gained by using GXP gear over Hunted.

dr_carlos, FYWinds, PlasmaWarrior and 39 others like this.

Guide - A Comprehensive Guide to Professions (v1.7.2) (2024)
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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.